Category: Uncategorized
The Daily Prompt – No. 44
How do you use social media? I just use social media for fun. It’s not directed for any hard core promotion of any materials. I don’t use it for impressions or likes; I use it just to express myself. Maybe I should use it for promos. While we are this topic let me remind you…
The Daily Prompt – No. 42
Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. A major decision that’s helped me with my personal growth is having a morning routine. Being consistent has always been a struggle for me. I remember when I was young my dad would give me a datebook to help me plan…
The Daily Prompt – No. 41
Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you. Back when I was in college I started doing working for the university catering company as a part time gig. A couple of buddies and I got put on by one of our mutual friends. The hours were sometimes wacky and the perks were…
MJ’s Kicks with the Wizards
Today while doing some research I found out that Michael Jordan (who believe is the GOAT of profesional basketball) played his last NBA game with the Washington Wizards. No, it wasn’t with the Chicago Bulls. As a matter of fact, that team didn’t even make the playoffs. He was playing professional basketball at the highest…
The Daily Prompt – No. 40
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness? There are lot of things that can fill the list. Let’s start it off. There are several more items those are the first ones.
Camera Angles in MLB Broadcasts
This is my first baseball post of the season. I came across this interesting video about TV broadcast angles in MLB games. I’ve always found this aspect of viewing games to be fascinating. Take a look.