Category: Uncategorized
The Daily Prompt – No. 59
Describe your dream chocolate bar. It would have to have a milk chocolate on the outside and crunchy peanuts on the inside. Lately, I have become partial to the chocolate Payday bars. They have recently become the No. 1 item in terms of candy. *postdated*
The Daily Prompt – No. 58
What quality do you value most in a friend? The one quality that I value is loyalty which I think derives from how trustworthy you are. I’m not looking for “blind” loyalty; I expect one to challenge me when I’m off-track. However, I want to know that I can confide in you without having to…
Decorum, Etiquette, and Black Culture
I think this woman’s commentary on decorum and etiquette in black culture is spot on. It’s refreshing to have someone clearly articulate what is wrong with wearing sleepwear, meant for indoor use, outside. This is practical common sense, which unfortunately isn’t as common anymore.
The Daily Prompt – No. 57
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life. I would like to answer this question by answering with prayer, meditation, or reading, but I’m not consistent enough. Although, those things do help me out during the day. The one thing for me is working out early in the morning. The workout…