Category: Uncategorized
Is the best holiday. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on all the things that have gone right and to give thanks that it isn’t worse than it is.
New T-shirt Designs
Did you know that I have an online merchandise store? For now, I’m selling T-shirts. The latest designs were inspired by the by the latin words for left and right. There’s a design for the men and the women. Check them out.
Day 14,000
I could probably tweet this but I just wanted to show appreciation to God for being at this point. Ironically it is also the winter solstice of 2021. Not too far away from Christmas and New Years. I don’t think that’s it a coincidence that it falls exactly at this time. (I’ll probably have more…
First Anniversary
Today is a celebration! This site has been up for a year. There’s been a lot of ups and downs. (I would say that there’s more of the former than the latter.) Thank God however that it’s still here. It’s up and running. In this new year I hope that this site will be more…
TM Throwback
Since the weather is getting warmer outside, it might be time to get ready for the Tough Mudder in a couple of months. Here’s the video from the one we did in 2018. Shout to the Sooshii Mane for the video.