Tag: dailyprompt

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 107

    What’s something you believe everyone should know. God exists. And Jesus is the Son of God who gave his life so that all humanity could have eternal life with God. Simple.

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 106

    What is your favorite form of physical exercise? I would say that burpees are a great form of exercising. And pull-ups. Never forget to do pull-ups!

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 105

    When you think of the word “successful,” who’s the first person that comes to mind and why? If I wrote “Jesus”, I would lying. The answer to this question is Donald Trump. The man overcame odds to become a multibillionaire real estate magnate with a beautiful family. He’s a media mogul as well, had a…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 104

    List three books that have had an impact on you. Why? The Bible. It’s the word of God. How to Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill. changed my life through my thinking The Black Book of Communism – Various authors. It’s a scholarly account of the history of Marxist governments during the 20th Century.

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 103

    If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to? This prompt reminds me of Brewster’s Millions, albeit a very simplified version of it. (Side note: I was originally thinking of the movie adaption that started Richard Pryor. I had no idea that there was book that the film was…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 102

    What’s something you would attempt if you were guaranteed not to fail. I would go (back) to law school and get my degree and then pass the bar. Maybe if they were to truncate the requirements (e.g., 2 years plus internship instead of 3 years in the classroom). We’ll see.

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 101

    Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle? I believe that we are spiritual beings first and foremost. We should try to address the spiritual in order to live a more sustainable lifestyle. I think believing in God, that is the Lord Jesus Christ, is the first step. Then…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 100

    What details of your life could you pay more attention to? Wow. 100 daily prompts. I need to be mindful of my time. More often than not I have a framework for a schedule. I do it to be flexible; however, the flexibility gives me too much leeway with my activities. I.e., I don’t adhere…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 99

    What’s your all-time favorite album? Currently, I don’t have a favorite album. I listen to podcasts and sermons on my iPhone. Those are my favorite pieces of audio. But I can tell you vividly what my first favorite album was when I was 18. It was “Illmatic”. I hadn’t really gotten into the album when…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 98

    What brands do you associate with? I’m a Nike guy but I can get down with other brands. This was a filler post.