Category: Uncategorized
The Daily Prompt – No. 227
What major historical events do you remember? September 11, 2001 This happened on the first day of classes my freshman year of college. Very traumatic time. Everyone in my dorm was trying to get to the top floors to see the destruction that was happening live on the TV. Classes were canceled and people were…
Birthday Freebies
Since today’s my birthday, I’m taking advantage of all the free offers available to me. I went to Soul Cycle to take a free spin class, Starbucks for a free drink, and 16 Handles for a $5 discount on ice cream. There are many more offers available. Here’s a link of what’s available from different…
It has been August 23rd somewhere in the world since 6:00 a.m. EDT this morning. Conversely it will be August 23rd somewhere in the world until 6:00 a.m. EDT Saturday morning. In between then it’s time to celebrate.
The Daily Prompt – No. 226
Where did your name come from? I wrote about this before my name means “blessed” in Hebrew.
The Daily Prompt – No. 225
What motivates you? Right now, it’s faith in God. Faith that His promises will come to pass in my life. If it wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have a reason to live. Here is a bit of my background: Things aren’t exactly what I hoped that they would be at this stage in my life. Lately,…
The Daily Prompt – No. 224
Create an emergency preparedness plan. Building an Effective Emergency Preparedness Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide Introduction Emergencies can occur at any time, and being prepared is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of your family, friends, and community. Developing an emergency preparedness plan can help you stay organized and informed during a crisis, enabling you…