Tag: dailyprompt

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 14

    What bores you? When people don’t have an exciting story to tell. They lack enthusiasm in their speech or confidence. Whatever it is, it projects onto me, the listener, and then I tune out. Let me be clear, I’m not advocating for gossip or anything like that. I enjoy hearing a good story from one’s…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 13

    What is your favorite drink? It has to be lemonade or a variant of it, i.e., strawberry lemonade. It’s just the perfect drink with enough sweet and tart flavor. This especially goes great on a summer day. I have no idea when I developed this affinity for lemonade by the way. This is just something…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 12

    Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you. Short answer: I wear a pair of Uggs but they’re for men and they are chukkas, not boots. They are (faux) fur-lined and very comfortable. Most recently I took a day trip up to Providence, RI. A friend of mine was hosting…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 11

    Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? Yes. So much so that I joined the local political club. Being patriotic means having a love for your country. That entails a desire to see it become better. In my country, the United States, the founding principles are what made it great. Now there…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 10

    If there was a biography about you, what would the title be? Intentionally Vague; Specifically Imprecise That’s the working title inspired by a conversation I had tonight actually. I’ll expound more at a future time. Remind me.

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 9

    Write about your dream home. My dream home consists of two sites. One is in the western United States with a couple of acres, a pond, some forestry, and sprawling country roads. The other one is an apartment in Manhattan that has. Ice hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, with floor-to-ceiling windows with modern art on the…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 8

    Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? Try out for the NBA. I should have started by trying out for more organized basketball leagues when I was younger. By now I would have had better handles like Magic Johnson.

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 7

    What’s your favorite candy? 20 years ago, I would have said Snickers. Now i consider my taste buds to be more refined. I’ll have to go with white chocolate peanut M&M’s. They are so sweet and chocolatey <insert gif of Homer Simpson drooling. /> And then you add the peanut for crunch and texture, you…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 6

    Do you need a break? From what? These daily prompts! Just kidding. I don’t think I need a break from anything per se. I need to be more focused and achieve my goals. In other words, I need to be more consistent towards achievement. So it’s more a break from the negative mindset and the…

  • The Daily Prompt – No. 5

    The most important invention in your lifetime is… I would’ve used an old cliche and said “sliced bread”. But nowadays there’s artificial intelligence (AI) especially with the advent of ChatGPT. ChatGPT is making AI accesible to the general population. I’ve seen a couple of my friends utilize it with great results. One friend of mine…