Category: Writing

  • Bloganuary – Prompt No. 3

    What is the earliest memory you have? My earliest (very fuzzy) memory I have is me sitting in a high chair in the living room of our apartment when I was 3+ years old.  My parents had a baseball game on the TV . (I want to say that the World Series was on but…

  • Bloganuary – Prompt No. 2

    How are you brave? This is a challenge for me because I have to refrain from comparing myself with other people because it isn’t wise.   It’s so tempting to look on others and their accomplishments and think that either I haven’t done enough to measure up, or I have done so much more to measure…

  • Intro to Bloganuary – Prompt No. 1 has this challenge to help get blogs started with generating content in the new year.  It is called “Bloganuary” and it seems pretty decent.  Every day during the month of January, they give a prompt.  Then it’s up to the blogmaster (or author, etc.) to answer.  This will be a good challenge for me.…