Let’s Have Some Fun
What is a word you feel that too many people use? The n-word. I think it’s a low-word class word that’s been used by one group of people to gatekeep and exercise a form of authority over another group. .It’s…
The Daily Prompt – No. 221
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? I would like to encourage people to use my blog to find the Lord. Then to use the joy that comes from knowing God to…
The Daily Prompt – No. 220
If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell? According to this prompt, I already answered this question but I’ll answer once again. I have an online merch shop. Go to somefun.shop to get some t-shirts…
Tweet of the Week
This should be on everyone’s radar, especially if you’re a Christian.
Photo of the Week
It feels like hurricane season got a jumpstart already.
Money is the Answer
“People prepare a meal for enjoyment, wine makes life joyful, and money is the answer to everything.”Ecclesiastes 10:19 NASB2020 Interesting verse that I read today. What do you think?
What is Talent?
I had never seen this clip from Bob Ross. I did not see him as a motivational speaker but these words are useful gems. Take them with an open mind.
DuoLingo Progress
This was from Monday so it’s postdated.
MJ Mondays – No. 65
Thanks to the NBA for the video
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