Let’s Have Some Fun
What activities do you lose yourself in? The activities I lose myself in are working out and learning how to program aka coding . With working out I get a sense of accomplishment. I exert my body and make it…
The Daily Prompt – No. 159
What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times? I don’t watch movies or TV shows that often anymore. I wasn’t much of a sitcom or TV show viewer in my earlier years. I had to drum…
The Daily Prompt – No. 158
Are you superstitious? Am I superstitious? No. I don’t necessarily believe in luck (or anti-luck, if that’s a word). However, I do believe that certain routines will help put you in the right mindset, and also within the right opportunity.…
MJ Mondays – No. 44
Video by MJ23 HAF who always does great work by clipping these videos.
JavaScript Tips
Great points from Kolade Chris at freeCodeCamp.org JavaScript Tips for Better Web Dev Projects
The Daily Prompt – No. 157
Where would you go on a shopping spree? Either at Niketown or on a Bitcoin exchange.
Photo of the Week
The Daily Prompt – No. 156
What is the last thing you learned? There are no straight lines in nature. Someone or something has to make the line straight or smooth. It follows after the laws of thermodynamics.
The Daily Prompt – No. 155
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. The one question I don’t like to be asked is “What are you doing with your life?” Answer: “Talking with you, Chump!”
The Daily Prompt – No. 154
You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? “I told everyone that this day would come. And lo and behold you’re holding the very book that I spoke into existence. Thank you God for allowing me to tell my story.”
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