Let’s Have Some Fun

  • What do you complain about the most? I don’t like to complain. I know I have a lot of material to use. Complaining indicates a lack of agency and/or a sense of unthankfulness. For those reasons I stay away from…

  • Where is the best place to watch the sunset near you? I live in Manhattan so the best place would be darn near anywhere on the west side of the island.  To be more specific, I fancy the High Line…

  • What would you title the chapters of your autobiography? All this month’s prompts have been pretty good so far.  Today’s is pretty challenging. Chapter 1 – “The Essence” (My origins and the conditions in which I grew up especially with…

  • What is something you learned recently? I learned about the history of the mayors of New York City from John V. Lindsay up until the present day mayor, Eric Adams.  The way each mayor ruled generally had a drastic impact…

  • Describe your perfect birthday cake. ICE CREAM!  This would be a cake that I would get from either Coldstone’s Creamery or Carvel.  It’s a vanilla ice cream cake with Oreo pieces sprinkled throughout and it would have a chocolate cookie…

  • What are the pros and cons of procrastination? Unless you’re being led by your intuition and not fear of accomplishment or activity, then there are no pros to procrastination.  It’s just a waste of time.  Time that will never come…

  • Check out this documentary being released on digital streaming on March 21st.  I had a small role in the film.  The narration is excellent and there is a similar story that mimics the present day.

  • What language do you wish you could speak? I wish I could speak Yoruba.  My dad is from Lagos and he came to the US to study at a school in NY.  He met my mom, got married, got settled…

  • What is a song or poem that speaks to you and why? Psalm 91 is been one of my foundational poem/song/scripture since I was younger.  My mom taught me to memorize it and think about it a lot.  It’s a…

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