Let’s Have Some Fun
When do you feel most productive? I’m a night owl and an early bird. (I know that these two conditions don’t jive. I am working to correct this.) However, I’m the most productive in the morning. Normally, I make my…
Quote of the Week
Ain’t no one better at being you than you. Roger S.
The Daily Prompt – No. 47
What are your favorite emojis? This is an interesting question. Here are mine in no particular order.
Reasons for Listening
There is a crisis of listening in the world. A lot of people want to talk, but very few want to listen, and people are really suffering from this lack of empathy. Empathy is important for any listener. It’s almost…
“And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?” Luke 16:12 NLThttps://bible.com/bible/116/luk.16.12.NLT
Photo of the Week
The Daily Prompt – No. 46
Describe a risk you took that you do not regret. Let’s go with: Those three have had a significant impact in my life. I do not regret those decisions and I actually thank God for leading me in that direction.…
Player of the Game Interview
The Daily Prompt – No. 45
How do you unwind after a demanding day? Sometimes I eat. I tend to grab on whatever I have in my cupboard and munch. Normally I’ll have a container of trail mix there. I get a couple of handfuls, sit…
MJ Mondays – No. 3
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