Let’s Have Some Fun
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About Tonight!
Photo of the Week
Caucus Speaker Panel: Drag Queen Story Hour
Tonight, there was an event on the topic of Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by the NYYRC. The event was well attended by our guests and brought out some opposition. But all in all it was a good time.
The Daily Prompt – No. 20
What are three objects you couldn’t live without?
The Daily Prompt – No. 19
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Haha. I have an interesting story to tell about this about this topic but I want to save it for a more appropriate time. Very interesting.
The Daily Prompt – No. 18
What experiences in life helped you grow the most? Keeping this short: These two things currently helping me grow in terms of leadership. I observe how others leaders lead and I practice the skill myself. *postdated
The Daily Link
Basically this series will link to an article or a video that I find interesting. Today’s installation:
A Full Head of Hair
I plan to grow the rest of my hair out. Yesterday I was having my dreads re-twisted by my stylist. We were talking and I told her that I wanted to have a full head of dreads. My plan was…
The Daily Prompt – No. 17
Do you believe in fate/destiny? I’ll make this short and sweet: Yes. I believe that God has preordained a path for every single one of us. However, it is up to us as free moral agents to choose. What we…
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